
Philosophical consideration of implementing information and communication technologies

Authors: Ivleva M.L., Inozemtsev V.A., Ivlev V.Yu. Published: 30.06.2020
Published in issue: #3(83)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-3-662  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: information and computer revolution, information and communication technologies, informatization, technical understanding, artificial intelligence

The purpose of the paper was to study the essence, main stages and trends in the development of the information-computer revolution. We considered such characteristics of society as informatization, computerization, and some others that are associated with the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies. The paper highlights and examines the main directions in the analysis of the phenomenon of the information and computer revolution, such as empirical, methodological, sociocognitive and systemic directions. In addition, the paper analyzes the technological and intellectual prerequisites of the information-computer revolution.

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