
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary space of modern science

Authors: Kalinin E.Yu., Lyuskin M.B. Published: 14.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(79)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-5-626  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: science, technology, production, society, discipline, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, integration, evolution, synergetics, physics, biology

In contrast to New times, production affects science through mediating links or bypassing technology. One of the essential aspects of the scientific and technical revolution is the widespread introduction of the results of scientific knowledge in the material, manufacturing and socio-economic spheres of public production. The possibility of such interpenetration was prepared by their initial mutual reliance. The process of emergence of a single system of science-technology-production-market-society has revealed a number of problems. One of them is the discrepancy between the disciplinary organization of scientific knowledge and the nature of practical problems that need to be addressed by modern science. This discrepancy can be eliminated by expanding interdisciplinary research. This is not only a change in the science study interest scope, but also evidence of ongoing transformations within the science itself. The noted trends in the development of modern interdisciplinary research and the types of integration of modern science are also associated with the growth of humanization of modern natural science, with awareness of its creators of the implications for the life of society, of the need for dialogue with nature and themselves.

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