
Methodological potential of synergetics in the development of critical technologies

Authors: Koshik V.S. Published: 11.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(79)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-5-623  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: technoscience, breakthrough technologies, synergetics, controlled self-organization, introduced attractor, convergence of cybernetic and synergetic technologies

The paper considers the role of critical technologies in the implementation of the priority directions of country social, scientific, technical and industrial development and the achievement of national socio-economic goals. The importance of understanding the most common processes which are the basis of high critical technologies, analysis of the principal features of their development from in terms of synergetics, is emphasized. The features of synergetic approach to the analysis of critical technologies are revealed. It is shown that their managing should take into account not just the co-existence but the convergence of cybernetic and synergetic technologies. The peculiarity of critical technologies in the context of determination of their development, inferred “genetically” based on the actions of the subject implementing the teleological function of goal-setting, is emphasized. It is shown that further implemented controlled self-organization provides for the presence of the introduced attractor, which sets the goal of the process. Examples of implementation of the revealed self-organization principles in critical nanotechnology are given.

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