
Social capital of modern Russia: “Inflationary model of development” or strategy of creation

Authors: Korol M.P. Published: 19.06.2019
Published in issue: #3(77)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-3-608  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: state, capitalism, modernization, public welfare, political elite, social capital

The collapse of social structures of the socialist system in the 90s of the XX century led to the denial of the experience of the Soviet period in the history of Russia, the denial of an objective assessment of its achievements and failures. In the process of transformation into a new capitalist country of the post-communist bloc, Russians lost the values of “communitarianism” and the desire to participate in collective actions aimed at achieving public welfare. Social ties weakened, the integral fabric of the society was torn, and the “inflation model” of social capital was formed. Based on this, the author draws a conclusion about the role of the political elite in deep institutional transformations, which imply a strategy for creating public welfare

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