
Historical context, historical and philosophical comprehension of distinction between culture and civilization

Authors: Mammadaliyev Z.G. Published: 19.06.2019
Published in issue: #3(77)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-3-602  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: culture, civilization, community principle, personal principle, individual’s egocentric aspirations, progress, Enlightenment, original sin

The paper studies the difficulties of the proposed model solutions to the problem of the relationship between culture and civilization, and substantiates their unsatisfactory nature. Based on the comparison of communal and personal principles in history, we formulated a working hypothesis: culture comes from the communal principle, whereas civilization goes back to the personal one. This thesis is supported by references to empirical histories of various cultures. Findings of research show that civilization as a phenomenon that originated from a certain autonomous principle of history has not been comprehended yet. This principle is identified as the individual's egocentric aspirations. We outlined theoretical and methodological boundaries, allowing a new way to comprehend the fundamental philosophical problems of the historical process. A correct understanding of the negative trends in the new history requires the recognition of the existence of the individual's egocentric aspirations, the excessive growth of which historically has given rise to civilization in the West

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