
The features of national historical memory and the paradoxes of commemoration (socio-philosophical analysis): the example of the fate of Volgograd

Authors: Nekhamkin V.A., Tsygankov A.S., Chernogortseva G.V. Published: 26.03.2019
Published in issue: #2(76)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-2-599  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: historical memory, commemoration, Volgograd, Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad, USSR, Russia

The article considers the phenomenon of historical memory, its various manifestations in Russia and abroad, in traditional and alternative history. The political and other subjectivity of historical memory is established. The mechanism of commemoration, i.e. technology of historical memory transfer to the population of the country on the example of the city of Volgograd is investigated. Commemorative practices began to be realized there in the period of the USSR, the tendencies of their formation in the social reality are singularized. A comparison of the mechanisms of commemoration in the USSR and in the Russian Federation is made, and moments of their continuity and opposition are demonstrated. The ambiguous impact of such historical memory trends on the public consciousness and actions of modern Volgograd residents is assessed. It is shown that in the absence of a state ideology in modern Russia, the commemoration loses the foundation for its formation, and is sometimes of an extremely opportunistic nature, devoid of futurological dimension

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