
Some aspects of training students of Bauman Moscow State Technical University for research activities

Authors: Bushueva V.V., Bushuev N.N., Bobrov A.N., Samsonova A.V. Published: 14.01.2019
Published in issue: #12(74)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-12-585  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: “Russian method” of training, creative orientation of learning, peculiar features of skills development, students’ research skills, motivation, activation methods, industrial R&D internship

The paper justifies the importance of training students for research activities. It notes the significance of the “Russian method” and its present forms in the preparation for research activities. We highlight the specific character and significance of research approaches in various disciplines, and analyze the peculiar features and potential for research activities of the junior and senior undergraduates. The work justifies the significance of the differentiation process when working with students as well as the influence of industrial R&D internship on the students’ research skills development. We emphasize the need for common specifics of the base enterprise and the faculty. The special novelty of this work is an application of foreign activation methods in research activities. The article highlights the value of motivation. It provides comparative analysis of domestic and foreign methods. In the end, we give conclusions and recommendations

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