
Socialization of the individual as a problem of social philosophy

Authors: Scheglov I.A. Published: 23.11.2018
Published in issue: #11(73)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-11-569  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: socialization, social, individual, selfhood, identification, identity, ideologization

The article considers the problems of the socialization phenomenon understanding in social philosophy. The essence of discussions unfolding in the understanding of the social and the individual in the process of socialization is exposed. Within the framework of social philosophy, the “social-individual” controversy continues and complements the two main paradigms of the socialization study that are distinguished in sociology and psychology — subject-subject and subject-object. The disagreements arising in philosophy regarding the understanding of the socialization phenomenon are discussed. The relationship between the social and the individual is investigated through the prism of the staged development of the selfhood structure. The concept of “selfhood” is clarified, the author’s definition of this category is given, the basics of the of the selfhood structure development are revealed. The assumptions outlined in the article give grounds for a critical comprehension of the adaptive meaning that is put into understanding of socialization, which is characteristic for the initial periods of the socio-biological maturity of  a child

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