
Social dynamics in the history of Russia

Authors: Zubov V.V. Published: 17.08.2018
Published in issue: #7(69)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-7-543  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: social dynamics, social development, social process, social changes, time, progress, regress, evolution, revolution, Russian history, authoritarianism, liberalism

The paper conducts a philosophical study of social dynamics in the history of Russia. The concepts of social development, social change, social progress, social regression, social evolution, social revolution are defined. Social changes are considered on the example of the events of Russian history of the last five centuries of the existence of Russian statehood. Some modern concepts of the social dynamics of Russian history are analyzed. The article establishes that cyclical periods of liberal reform and authoritarian counter-reform replace each other in domestic history

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