
Social and philosophical aspects of the theory and practice of political socialisation

Authors: Scheglov I.A. Published: 17.08.2018
Published in issue: #8(70)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-8-542  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: political socialisation, ideologisation, everyday collective consciousness, stereotype, sociological propaganda, value socialisation, Russian society

An exploratory hypothesis originally presented as part of the systems analysis in politics is what primarily supports studies of political socialisation in modern political science. Dynamics and critics concerning qualitative development indices of this branch of scholarly knowledge enable us to state that there is an urgent need to reconsider the key points of the political socialisation theory. The global experience shows that the scholars' efforts have not yet yielded any significant academic results in this field. The paper presents the author's own exploratory hypothesis of political socialisation, stemming from the idea of the political person as a traditional personality type, whose development is rationalised and ideologised. The author believes that the ideologisation of everyday collective consciousness and related problems deserve to be the subject of contemporary research dealing with the theory and practice of political socialisation

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