
Destructive factors affecting the demographic potential

Authors: Bushkova A.Yu. Published: 19.04.2018
Published in issue: #4(66)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-4-520  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: demography, counteraction, material factor, ideological factor, spiritual factor, civilization, identity, family , material, ideological, spiritual

The article considers the topical issues of Russian demography: the condition, factors of negative impact on it, ways of counteracting destructive currents. There are four factors, each including a number of reasons for the complex demographic situation in Russia. For one thing, materially, the population suffers from a lack of finance, social security and inadequate housing.       Secondly, against the background of the ideological and spiritual decline of the population majority, the factors of current concern such as nuclear family, extra-family parenthood, the image of the businesswomen instead of the mother-woman image, the exchange of traditional gender roles, the propaganda of contraception and delivery by the caesarean section method, the idea of solving crisis of depopulation in Russia through immigration are becoming increasingly important. Thirdly, having ceased to value its own history and civilizational roots, the Russian population finds itself in a situation of demographic catastrophe, due to ethnicity and confessionality. Fourthly, the government manages the demographic processes in the country only in the direction of solving the material dissatisfaction of people, which has short-term results. The state must also build up filters to protect its own people against various harmful currents from the outside. Here the conclusion is made that there is the need for an integrated approach to solving demographic problems in Russia. Measures that could contribute to improving the demographic situation in the country are presented.

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