
A study on the essence of risk and properties of a risky situation

Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I., Cheremnykh L.G. Published: 13.10.2017
Published in issue: #11(61)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-11-483  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: risk, types of risk, risk threshold, risk level, inevitability of risk, danger, reliability

The article defines the essence of risk, which means actions or inactivity of a person or a social group in the context of uncertainty and awareness of potential danger, as well as the fact that success’ will lead to probable benefit and failure will lead to probable harm. We specify and describe the following types of risk: justified and unjustified (adventurism), active and passive, selfless and selfish, big and small, real and imaginary, autorisk and heterorisk. We explain the concept of the "risk threshold", that is, a limit to the probable danger leading to renouncing risky activities. We reveal the relationships between the concepts of "risk", "danger", and "reliability". We show that risk is an inevitable and progressive part of the process of mastering new objects and types of activity.

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