
Model of social structural imbalances and characteristics of the state of modern society

Authors: Bagrova E.V. Published: 13.10.2017
Published in issue: #11(61)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-11-482  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: imbalance, development, crisis, model, fuzzy sets

In the modern society, social imbalances exist and develop simultaneously in different developmental planes. These imbalances affect fundamentally different spheres of development. The article presents a model for combining indicators characterizing disparate planes of social development into a single indicator of structural social imbalances. The considered model of the crisis of structural social imbalances allows comparing societies in different periods of their development, forming a generalizing indicator based on fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets. Using this mathematical tool, it is possible to combine indicators that cannot be combined or matched in other way. As a result, a generalizing indicator for assessing the level of social structural imbalances is formed, close to the expert estimate, but based on a verified mathematical tool. According to the presented model, the current level of social structural imbalances is estimated as very high. Nevertheless, despite the seeming relative stability of the early XXI century, the level of imbalances at that time was somewhat higher.

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