
The philosophical format of creative freedom

Authors: Omarova L.B. Published: 11.10.2017
Published in issue: #10(60)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-10-477  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: creativity, freedom, context, society, personality

The article analyzes the basic philosophical approaches to creative freedom and freedom of creativity: reductive and substrate. The ambiguity of the philosophical meaning of creative freedom is revealed. It is due to the fact that the concepts "creativity" and "freedom" are viewed from different aspects (moral freedom, legal freedom, scientific creativity, creativity of life, etc.). It is concluded that these concepts are not identical; freedom is a necessary condition for creativity. The issue of creative freedom and freedom of creativity today is closely intertwined with an overabundance of information, which leads to stagnation of creative freedom and forms not creative but addictive (dependent) behavior, i.e., constrained.

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