
Analysis of the main research approaches in ecology

Authors: Bushueva V.V., Bushuev N.N., Chernogortseva G.V., Ivanova A.S. Published: 12.09.2017
Published in issue: #9(59)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-9-468  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: ecology, ecological security, research approaches, interdisciplinary approach, complex approach, systematic approach, structural approach, probabilistic approach

The article proves the importance of analyzing the major research approaches in ecology. We analyze the interdisciplinary, complex, systematic, structural and probabilistic research approaches. Their interrelation needed for the study of environmental problems is emphasized. It is shown that any research approach is one-sided, and in isolation from other approaches it is not sufficient for studying environmental phenomena. In this regard the unity and cooperation with other forms of research is required. This allows investigating environmental processes in an efficient way. The article touches upon the importance of the differentiation process in research approaches and points out its expediency. A particular novelty of this analysis is the environmental orientation of the research approaches.

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