
Actual problems of human life outside the Earth

Authors: Lovetskiy G.I., Krysin I.A. Published: 22.06.2017
Published in issue: #7(57)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-7-456  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: life as a cosmic phenomenon, Russian cosmism, actual problems of the Moon development, actual problems of the Mars development

The article considers philosophical, social, political and technical problems of space exploration. A unique feature of the philosophy of Russian cosmism is its practical component: it has become understood that life is a cosmic phenomenon, that solar-terrestrial connections are embodied in the form of a physical agent that exerts a decisive influence on the life activity of a person. A new important stage in space activity is associated with the settling of the Moon and Mars. The authors suggest a classification of earthlings' interests at colonization of the Solar system planets. The idea of creating the first settlements outside the Earth originates from economic, scientific and technical interests that can be realized only by ensuring the conditions of human life and understanding the problems of a philosophical nature.

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