
Formation of the contemporary gender perspective: a philosophical analysis

Authors: Kolodina A.A. Published: 26.04.2017
Published in issue: #5(55)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-5-438  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: gender, sex, feminism, sexuality, prospects of power, social and cultural processes, transitivity

The article considers a range of philosophical sources that served as a theoretical and methodological basis for developing contemporary gender theories. We show that gender equality, same as gender differences and gender positioning, is an integral part of the current ideology and policies of most states in today's world. The gender perspective ensures an appropriate understanding of social and cultural processes that form worldviews, attitudes towards cultural traditions and innovations, and the overall direction that characterises modern men and women. At the same time, their prospects in life develop to ensure they have ways and methods of adapting to the chaotically changing world of today.

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