
Evidence features in mathematics and law

Authors: Gubanov N.N., Cheremnykh L.G., Gubanov N.I. Published: 27.03.2017
Published in issue: #5(55)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-5-432  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: rational culture, evidence, science, mathematics, law

The paper outlines the main features and aspects of evidence interaction in mathematics and law. Mathematical evidence reliability is that a scientist conducting their research observes the consistency and coherence of all links in the chain of evidence. There is no definitive confirmation, either empirical or theoretical, of the truth of theories. Regress into infinity in justifying the thesis reliability is interrupted due to the cognitive will. The evidentiary process success does not exclusively depend on the extent of rationale but also on the ability to attract both logical arguments and arguments with socio-cultural nature. The evidentiary process includes logical, ideological, pragmatic, and ethical aspects both in mathematics and law practice.

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