
Substantiation of "globalization" category philosophical status

Authors: Lebedev K.S. Published: 30.09.2016
Published in issue: #9(47)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-9-387  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: globalization, ideology, philosophy, philosophical categories, dialectical method

The article considers the increasing globalization of the modern world at the present stage of human development which became one of the most notable phenomena that increasingly attracts the attention of a researcher. As a rule, the interpretation of this phenomenon is carried out in terms of the economic and social aspects. At the same time insufficient attention is paid to philosophical and methodological analysis of the concept of "globalization". The article substantiates the thesis that according to its ideological significance the concept of "globalization" has acquired today the status of a new philosophical category, which has universal ontological, anthropological and socio-cultural dimensions.

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