
Stages of formation and development of the “Russian method” of training engineers at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Authors: Scherbakova O.M., Otrokova O.Yu. Published: 18.08.2021
Published in issue: #4(90)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-4-729  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: engineering, UNESCO, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, “Russian method”, theoretical training, practical training, innovative educational technologies

The paper focuses on the “Russian method” of training engineers, the method being inextricably linked with the activities of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The study is the first to identify and systemize the stages of formation and development of this approach to education during the 19th — 21st centuries and to substantiate the criteria for the classification described. Findings of research show that the “Russian method” of training forms the contribution of Bauman School to the renewal of domestic technical education and the development of new international requirements for the training of modern engineers.

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