
Augustin de Betancourt engineering school

Authors: Fortunatov V.V. Published: 16.03.2017
Published in issue: #4(54)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-4-425  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: engineering school, industrial revolution, steam engines, Committee for buildings and hydraulic works, communication routes, engineering and transport, engineering education

The article reveals the role of the outstanding Spanish engineer-practitioner, mechanic, scientist, Augustin Avgustinovich de Betancourt, in the Russian engineering school formation. From 1808 to 1824, Augustin de Betancourt was in the Russian service, served as rector (inspector) of the Corps of Communication Engineers Institute (1809-1824), headed the Committee for buildings and Hydraulic works (1816-1824), served as a Chief Director of Railways (1819-1822). Betancourt carried out many projects; he was in fact the chief engineer of the country, the chief architect of St. Petersburg and Russia, the chief consultant to Emperor Alexander I on a wide range of engineering, scientific and technical problems. The students of the Betancourt engineering school became his worthy heirs, ensuring the country's development in engineering terms.

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