
Stylistic and linguocultural features of the Chinese humour genre “xiangsheng” through the example of Guo Degan’s dialogues

Authors: Vorontsova V.D., Tyo O.E. Published: 30.06.2022
Published in issue: #3(95)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-3-788  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics  
Keywords: Chinese language, Chinese humour, xiangsheng, humorous genre, Guo Degan, Chinese culture

The purpose of the study was to focus on the specificity of Chinese humour and analyze one of the most popular humorous genres in China — “xiangsheng”. The paper considers the generally accepted classifications by time of appearance, by content, and by form in detail and through the example of the well-known contemporary artist and writer Guo Degan (郭德纲) comprehensively studies the stylistic and linguocultural features of the «xiangsheng» genre. In total more than 20 humorous dialogues of Guo Degan have been analyzed, the main linguistic techniques applied on three levels — phonetic, lexical and syntactical — have been highlighted.

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