
The pragmatic role of modal possibility utterances in the context of academic writing

Authors: Danilkina E.A. Published: 04.05.2017
Published in issue: #6(56)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-6-442  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics  
Keywords: scientific discourse, scientific linguistic article, modality of the scientific text, modality of possibility, epistemic possibility, ontological possibility, scientific argumentation

This paper investigates the nature of modal possibility constructions and discursive factors that influence their use in contexts of academic writing. For the first time, the study involves data derived from comparative frequency analysis of Russian and German linguistic papers. From the pragmatic point of view, possibility constructions can be interpreted in two ways - they serve to transmit objective knowledge on the one hand, and are used as convincing, precaution and hedging strategies, on the other hand. With a specific focus on their intention and communicative value, possibility statements are brought into correspondence with epistemic and ontological modality.

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