
Multidimensional geometry and abstract spaces in the knowledge structure of a modern engineer

Authors: Sokolova L.S. Published: 28.01.2019
Published in issue: #2(76)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-2-589  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: Euclidean multidimensional space, visual multidimensional geometry, interdisciplinary connections

The paper focuses on the content and usage of the concepts of Euclidean multidimensional space and n-dimensional visual geometry in engineering education. The basic concepts of multidimensional geometry are presented: the dimension of space, the subspaces degrees of freedom and the parametric properties of objects. The study gives examples of using the concept of multidimensional space in general engineering disciplines. Analysis of the examples shows that the above basic concepts of multidimensional geometry, such as the dimension of space, the subspaces degrees of freedom and the parametrization of geometric figures and conditions are studied in general engineering disciplines of higher technical educational institutions in applications to specific sciences and are included in the knowledge structure of a modern engineer. The presented material explains exactly how the concept of abstract space was applied in technology. There is no empty abstract space. The diversity of possible sets of objects filling the space and various relationships between them corresponds to an unlimited variety of spaces in technology

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