
On the results of the first year students’ diagnostic English testing

Authors: Troufanova N.O., Parshina N.A. Published: 02.02.2016
Published in issue: #1(39)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-1-336  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: diagnostic test, unified state exam, reading skills forming, writing skills forming, speaking skills forming, foreign language competence

The paper presents the results of the English language diagnostic test undertaken at the BMSTU Department of English for Instrument-Making Majors at the beginning of the first semester. The data collected reveal the most problematic aspects of English language learning and identify curriculum sections that are worth focusing on during the classes for students with different levels of English acquisition. The test results are supposed to be taken into account in further monitoring studies of the quality of English language training for students of technical universities aimed at complex assessment of their foreign language competence.

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