
Study results of youth moral life position as the rational for improving the quality of educational work in universities

Authors: Zubov V.N., Nekhorosheva I.V. Published: 19.05.2014
Published in issue: #2(16)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-2-169  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: moral convictions, living conditions, students, seniors, adults, upbringing, higher education

The article examines the differences between high school students, university students and adults in the estimates of the moral state of society and modern living conditions, the level of development of moral beliefs, like "do not appropriate alien property" and "do not take bribes." The work presents the survey results of 286 respondents. The study shows that both the young and adults evaluate moral situation in the country as dysfunctional. At the same time, about half of the respondents of all ages consider it permissible to appropriate alien property and about a third of respondents admit accepting bribes. In general, the level of development of moral convictions in youth is lower than in adults. Young people are calmer about the moral problems of society. All this requires a significant increase in the quality of educational work in universities.

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