
Corporate culture as an element of the innovative management in the hotel business

Authors: Dolgova I.V., Bely V.L. Published: 08.02.2021
Published in issue: #6(86)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-6-694  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: corporate culture, organizational culture, hotel business, strategic management, working efficiency, business competitiveness, corporate culture model

The article researches the influence of corporate culture on the competitiveness of a hotel business. Approaches to the essence of the concept of corporate culture and the definitions of its role as a strategic competitive advantage of the business are summarized. A model for creating an organizational culture of a hotel business is proposed. The necessity of creating the organizational culture of their own based on the developed corporate culture standards is justified. The created culture could form the basis of the strategic management of the business as its competitive advantage. The results of the study allow us to propose for the consideration by hotel companies a model of corporate culture based on the six forces of competition, and a pyramid model of creating an organizational culture as a competitive advantage. These materials can be used in the study of such disciplines as “Strategic Management”, “Hotel management”, “Organization of hotel business”.

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