
Personal qualities of a project manager

Authors: Ermolaeva M.V., Kokueva Zh.M. Published: 21.10.2020
Published in issue: #4(84)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-4-676  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: project management, project manager, line manager, personal resources

The study reveals personal qualities of a today’s project manager. Professional literature sources on project management, personality psychology, personnel management were analyzed. Findings of research show that personal qualities of a project manager include the potential for self-determination and achievement, the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty, the ability to motivate and inspire project team members, make creative decisions in unexpected and stressful situations, as well as assertiveness, self-efficacy and personal autonomy. The results of the theoretical analysis can be used for diagnostics, professional selection of project participants, consultations on team building issues, in developing a competency model for a project manager.

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