
Innovations as the basis for the growing competitiveness of the national economy

Authors: Dolgova I.V., Shkarpetina E.V., Urumova F.M., Sysoeva T.A. Published: 31.07.2017
Published in issue: #8(58)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-8-464  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: globalization, competition, national economy, competition of quality, innovation, competitive advantages, ecological program, human factor, machine tool industry, radio electronics

This paper continues the series of articles devoted to the scientific concept that in the conditions of economic globalization the development of national economies is a new type of competition which is called "the quality competition". We push out a message that innovations are the basis for the national economy competitiveness growth. The article explains the notion of innovative economy and shows the purposes and priority activities of the state innovative strategy. We introduce the factors necessary for creating the innovative economy such as the human factor (corporate staff vocational training and commitment), the measures undertaken by the government to create conditions favorable for promoting innovations, and the business which the export of domestic production to the world markets depends on. The prospects for the development of innovative economy in Russia are shown through the example of such branches as microelectronics, radio electronics, machine tool and aircraft industries. We provide the recommendations for creating the innovative system basis which can become the leading technical universities including Bauman Moscow State Technical University. It is concluded that one of the most important factors of competitiveness at the national level is ensuring the productivity based on innovations. These innovations are realized via the entrepreneurial business as the stimulus to social progress.

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