
Space activities and traditional categories of economic efficiency

Authors: Rodionova V.G., Knyazeva E.V. Published: 04.12.2015
Published in issue: #12(38)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-12-327  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: spheres of space activity, sectors of space activity, manufacturing, technological innovations, scarcity of economic resources, economic and production efficiency, "cost-benefit" model, technology law, resource capabilities; absolute advantages, comparative advantages, opportunity cost, alternative cost, sunk cost, Pareto efficiency, N. Kaldor method, socio-economic importance of space activities

The article considers a range of issues related to the problem of using techniques for measuring the economic and operational efficiency in the space field. Such measurement techniques are based on the theoretical categories of "opportunity cost", "alternative" and "sunk costs." The techniques for measuring space activity results by the "cost-benefit" model; the principles of Pareto efficiency as well as N. Kaldor measurement technique have still remained controversial. In this context, the problem of economic choice efficiency when comparing alternatives of budgetary resources allocation, including those allocated in space field, becomes the subject of scientific debate.

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