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О некоторых аксиологических акцентах европейской гносеологической традиции…

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# 6·2017 23


Augustine. Protiv akademikov [Against the Academicians]. In:


Blazhennogo Avgustina.

V 8 tom. Tom 2

[Works of Blessed Augustine. In 8 vols.

Vol. 2]. Kiev, 1901–1912, p. 12.


Leibniz G.W.

Novye opyty o chelovecheskom razume

[New Essays on Human



Moscow, Leningrad, State Dictionary and Encylopedia

Publishing House, 1936, 434 p.


Descartes R. Vozrazheniya nekotorykh uchenykh muzhey protiv izlozhennykh

vyshe Razmyshleniy s otvetami avtora [Objections of certain men of science to

the Discourse outlined above, with the author's replies]. In:

Sochineniya. V 2

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[Works. In 2 vols. Vol. 2]. Moscow, Mysl Publ., 1994, 633 p.


Webb J.C.

Mechanism, mentalism and metamathematics

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London, D. Reidel-Publishing Company, 1988, 323 p.


Chalmers D.

The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory

. Oxford

University Press, 1996, 432 p.


Descartes R. Rassuzhdenie o metode, chtoby verno napravlyat svoy razum i

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One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences]. In:

Sochineniya. V 2 tom.

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Barwise J. Model theory



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1164 p. [In Russ.: Barwise J. Teoriya modeley. Spravochnaya kniga po

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In 4 vols. Vol. 1. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982, 392 p.].


Leibniz G.W. Rassuzhdenie o metafizike [Discourse on Metaphysics]. In:

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[Works. In 4 vols. Vol. 1]. Moscow, Mysl Publ.,

1982, 636 p.


Andreeva I.S., Grigoryan B.T., eds.

Filosofiya Kanta i sovremennyy idealizm

[Kant's philosophy and contemporary idealism]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987,

272 p.

Samokhvalova V.K.,

Cand. Sc. (Philos.), Assoc. Professor, Department of Humanities,

Russian Foreign Trade Academy. e-mail: