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И.Н. Пиотровская, Т.В. Попова


Health saving function in modern educational technologies

© I.N. Piotrovskaya, T.V. Popova

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia

The article examines the main modern educational technologies concerning definite aca-

demic disciplines in Bauman Moscow State Technical University. We explore the role of

health-saving function and conclude that it considerably improves the quality of the edu-

cational process. The research studies practical application of methods and technologies

of interactive communication in discipline courses «Principles of optics» and «Infor-

mation and measuring holographic systems».


educational technologies, health-saving function, teaching methods, proper-

ties of material.


[1] Popova T.V.

Ekologicheskaya kultura prepodavatelya vysshei shkoly


cal Culture of a university teacher]. Moscow, BMSTU Publ., 2013, 167 p.

[2] Misuk M.N.

Osnovy meditsinskikh znaniy i zdorovogo obraza zhizni


mentals of medical knowledge and a healthy lifestyle]. Training manual. Series:

the Fundamentals of science. Moscow, Urait Publ., 2011, 427 p.

Piotrovskaya I.N

. graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Cand.

Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Professor of the Department of Laser and optoelectronic devices at

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:

Popova T.V

. graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Cand. Sci. (Phys.-

Math.), Assoc. Professor of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy at Bauman Mos-

cow State Technical University. e-mail: