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Проблемы реализации профессионально-компетентностного потенциала…


The issues of the realization

of the professional competency potential of training

in translation: A case-study at technical universities


А.N. Kuznetsov

National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, 119049, Russia

The present conceptual paper develops research and implementation of the professional

competency potential of an academic subject within various structures of training tech-

nical translators at engineering universities. The researched issue is proved to be of cur-

rent interest as it invests in the development of both the content and the technology of the

relevant training programmes, as well as the resultant development of the syllabi of the

particular academic subjects.


professional competency potential, technical translators, content of educa-

tion, competency approach.



Kuznetsov A.N.

Vyyavlenie kompetentnostnogo potentsiala distsipliny “Inostran-

nyy yazyk” kak problema professionalnoy lingvodidaktiki [Identification of the

Competency Potential of the Discipline

Foreign Language” as a Problem of Pro-

fessional Linguodidactics]. In:

Nepreryvnoe pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v

kontekste innovatsionnykh proektov obschestvennogo razvitiya

[Continuous Teach-

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rialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-practicheskoy konferentsii. Akademiya povysheni-

ya kvalifikatsii i professionalnoy perepodgotovki rabotnikov obrazovaniya. Iyun

19–21, 2012

[Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference.

Academy of Advanced Training and Retraining Education Workers.

June 19–21, 2012. Available at:


(accessed 2.04.2015).


Kuznetsov A.N., Gavrilenko T.A.

Vestnik Federalnogo Gosudarstvennogo obra-

zovatelnogo uchrezhdeniya Vysshego professionalnogo obrazovaniya Mos-

kovskogo gosudarstvennogo agroinzhenernogo universiteta — FSEI HPE Moscow

State University of Agroengineering Bulletin

, no. 4/2 (55), 2012, pp. 75–82.


Kuznetsov A.N.

Kompetentnostnyy potentsial distsipliny (na material obra-

zovatelnoy oblasti “Inostrannyy yazyk”)

[Competency Potential of the Disci-

pline (on the material of educational area “Foreign Language”)]. Monograph.

Moscow, MGAU Publ., 2014, 114 p.


Zimnyaya I.A.

Formirovanie i otsenka sformirovannosti sotsialnykh kompetent-

nostey u studentov vuzov pri osvoenii novogo pokoleniya OOP VPO


social competence among University students and evaluation of its formation

during learning a new generation of MEP HPE VPO]


Moscow, Research Cen-

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Vysshee obrazovanie segodnya — Higher education today,

no. 12, 2007, pp. 27–31.


Krupchenko A.K., Kuznetsov A.N.

Genezis i printsipy professionalnoy


[Genesis and Principles of Professional Linguodidactics]



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Workers Publ., 2011, 160 p.